Monday, September 28, 2015



In order to get a Birth Certificate for your new born baby in Saudi Arabia, You need to Book an Birth Certificate Appointment with Al Ahwal Madani. To process your New Born Baby Iqama you must need Birth Certificate. Hospital should issue a birth notification where your baby borned. You can refer our article "Add Your Child Under Iqama" where you can get information about getting Iqama of a new born baby. 

Procedure to Book New Appointment with Al Ahwal Madani :

1. Login to your MOI Absher account, Click on "Eservices", Then "Passports" and click on "Book an Appointment".
Follow the link "MOI Saudi Arabia Al Ahwal Appointment" to book an birth certificate appointment with Al Ahwal Madni.

- Enter your Iqama Number, Date of Birth (Select either Gregorian or Hijri) This is your date of birth its on your iqama, Enter Image Code as shown in the image above the text box, Click on "VERIFY MY DETAILS", If you entered all the details correct, It will redirect you to a page.

Birth Certificate Appointment KSA

3. This Page display you a message that this Al Ahwal appointment service allows you to Book a new Appointment, Update an Existing Appointment, View or Print an existing Appointment and Cancel an appointment, Click on "PROCEED TO SERVICE".

Birth Certificate Appointment Saudi Arabia

4. A new page with "Book new Appointment" option will appear, If you already have any appointments it will display in below records having options to Update appointment and Cancel appointment. Click on "BOOK NEW APPOINTMENT".

Al Ahwal Book New Appointment

5. Now you can see few services in Arabic, You can choose  "تسجيل واقعة ميلاد", Or If you are using google chrome, Right click on page and click Translate in English, Then you can select "Writing a Birthday Date down", Choose your location from "Region" drop down menu, Click on NEXT.

Birth Certificate Appointment KSA

6. After choosing a service from above page, Now you can choose your branch from the list of branches, where you need Appointment. This branch location is based on the Region you choose. Once you choose your Branch you can click on "Select" action.

Select Appointment Branch Al Ahwal

7. Now you can select the desired date where you want to search for booking an appointment. Once you choose the date select the timing of your appointment from the available timings in below chart.
Al Ahwal Birth Certificate Appointment

8. After selecting the appointment time, Click on Next and Confirm your Appointment, Once you get Appointment ticket print it and visit Al Ahwal Madni office with all mentioned documents in the ticket.