Saudi Resident Expats and Citizens eligibility information of Hajj pilgrimage
Saudi Arabian Expatriates (residents) and Saudi Citizens can now inquire about their eligibility information about Hajj performing in the present year through Ministry Of Interior official web portal by accessing Absher e-services. Recommended : MOI Absher Account
- If one had performed Hajj in the last five years then they will not eligible for performing Hajj in the current year. Recommended : Performing Umrah & Hajj on Visit Visa
1. Check Hajj eligibility through MOI Abhser e service public query hajj eligibility link provided below.
2. Enter your IDENTITY NUMBER, Identity Number is your Iqama number or Muqeem number. Recommended : Check Muqeem Validity
3. Enter IMAGE CODE, Image code will be displayed just above that text box, Enter the text as you seen in above image.
4. Click on VIEW, It will display the Hajj status for current year just above the inquire form. You can refer below image for a clear understand.
- As seen in above image, If you are eligible for Hajj it displays a status like "Eligible to do Hajj this year" otherwise it displays a status like "The entered ID holder does not have Hajj permit", as referred in below image.