Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Salary Deductions, No Increment, No Bonus Financial benefits

No Bonus, Increment, Financial Benefits to Ministers and Shoura Council members

Saudi Arabia's King Salman has ordered a 15% cut from the salaries of Shoura Council Members and 20% cut in the salaries of Ministers starting from the Islamic new year 1438 (2nd October 2016). Its not yet finished, Their will be a 15 percent reduction in car and housing benefits of Shoura Council members.

It affects even on the Cabinet Ministers like Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif, Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Of Interior.  Recommended : Saudi Arabia new visa fees from 1438

- No bonuses, No annual increments and No financial benefits for renewing contracts or re hiring staff for this new Islamic year 1438.

- Annual leave may not exceed more than 30 days, Overtime bonus will also stopped between a quarter and half of basic salaries. Similar : New labour law in Saudi Arabia

- No recruitment and no extension of contracts of the expatriates for the current financial year 1438. Related : Saudi Arabia new law for foreigners

- Any excess staff in government sectors will be used to fill the vacancies on rotation basis. See Also : Ministry Of Labour Law in Saudi Arabia

- A maximum of 1000 Saudi Riyals monthly phone bill of government employees will bear by the government while the remaining they have to pay themselves. You May Like : Working Hours in Saudi Arabia labor law

- All the above things are exempted to those who involved in security, Military, Intelligence operations outside the Kingdom and the troops involved in Combat operations on the southern border. See Also : Saudi Arabia Labour Law End of Service