Monday, October 17, 2016



Nationality wise new visit visa fee to enter into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The least visit visa fee is for Turkey, Then Schengen countries, then USA and after USA, It is British nationality, Except these four nationalities, all other countries will charge SR 2000 for single entry visa. Trending : Family visit visa for Indians is now for 305 SR

United States of America (USA) : New visit visa fee for United States of America citizens for entering into Saudi Arabia is SR 400 for five years multiple entry. Whether it is single entry or multiple entries of 6 months, one year, two years, five years, The visit visa fee is SR 400 only. Trending : Pay for health insurance along with visa fee

British Nationals : All the British nationality holders can visit into Saudi Arabia on a fee of SR 510 with Single entry or 6 months multiple entry. For 1 year or 2 years the multiple entry visa fee will be SR 1950. Recommend : Conditions for Expat girls marrying Saudi man

Schengen Countries : For all Schengen countries passport holders the visit visa fee will be SR 250, Whether it is single entry visit visa or 6 months multiple entry visa or 1 years multiple entry or 2 years multiple entry in KSA. Hot topic : Conditions for expats marrying Saudi girl

- Schengen countries consits of 26 countries those are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Turkey Nationals : For turkey citizens the new visit visa fee for entering into the Kingdom is SR 225 for single entry or 6 months multiple entry. For multiple entries of one year fee will be SR 5000 and two years multiple entry fee is SR 8000. Related : New Saudization rules

Other Nationals : All the other countries nationals except mentioned above will be charge SR 2000 for single entry, SR 3000 for 6 months multiple entry, SR 5000 for one year multiple entries and SR 8000 for two years multiple entries. See Also : List of visa's applicable for new fee