Wednesday, June 21, 2017

New Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman, Deputy PM and Minister of Defense

New Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman, Deputy PM and Minister of Defense

Saudi Arabia declared its new crown prince as Muhammad Bin Salman, He also named Deputy Prime Minister of the country, he retains his current position as minister of defense. Out of 34 council members 31 chose King Salman son as the Kingdom's new crown prince. Trending : King Salman gifts tons of dates

King Salman issued a royal order and appointed Muhammad Bin Naif as new crown prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Abdulaziz Bin Saud Bin Naif as the new Interior Minister, Ahmed Bin Muhammad Al Salem as new deputy minister of interior and Prince Bandar Bin Khalid Bin Faisal Bin Abdulaziz as new adviser of the Royal Court. Most Viewed : King Salman wins award for Service to Islam

- Mohammed Bin Salman is 31 years old and he is the youngest son of the King Salman, He is world's youngest defense minister, He wants to diversify Saudi economy instead of depending on oil.

- He is leading the program 'Vision 2030' which aims to transform the Saudi Arabia into a strong and stable country that provides opportunity for all, He is the first Saudi Royal to have meeting with USA President Donald Trump. Recommend : No Royal is above law - King Salman

- Saudi Arabia's King Salman also appointed Prince Turki Bin Mohammed Bin Fahad Bin Abdul Aziz, Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah Al Sudairi as advisers to the Royal Court.

- The whole world eyes are on Saudi Arabia as they are many changes in the Kingdom, President of United States of America Donald Trump congratulated Saudi Arabia's new crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Similar : King Salman order millions of Riyals humanitarian aid

- Saudi Arabia's Council of senior scholars welcomed the King Salman's decision, Kingdom's senior clerics, Organization of Islamic cooperation welcomed Mohammed Bin Salman as new crown prince of Saudi Arabia.