Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Some Unknown and amazing facts of India

Some Unknown and amazing facts of India

India is the most populated country in the world, It has a population of nearly 1.42 Billion people in the year 2023, It has approximately 350 languages out of which 22 languages had more than one million speakers. Recommend : Send money through online Enjaz

India is celebrating its 77th Independence day on 15th August, Before 76 years, it was in the rule of British, Independence day is a day to remember those all who fought and gave up their lives to free India from British rule. Most Viewed : Open NRI account in India

- India has 29 states, 7 Union Territories, 9 major religions and nearly 7000 major castes of modern India, Villages are up to 7,50,000 and cities in India to be counted as 20,000.

- India is the 7th largest country with 3.29 million square kilometers of area, It shares border with other countries like Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Nepal. Read this : India limited gold per home

- Indian rectangular flag is filled with tricolor, Saffron, White and Green with a Ashoka wheel in the center of flag, This wheel have 24 spokes or lines in it.

- India is also known as Hindustan or Hind or Bharath, Its National Animal is Tiger, National Bird is Peacock, National flower is Lotus, Fruit is Mango, Game is Hockey, Anthem is 'Jana Gana Mana', song is 'Saare Jaha Se Acha Hindustan Hamara' & 'Vandemataram' and symbol of love is 'Tajmahal'. Most Viewed : Allowed Gold limits at Indian Airports