Last year (2017), Jawazat (Passport Department) in Saudi Arabia issued a total number of 1,186,449 final exit visas to expatriates on request from the sponsors and employers. Trending : Visit visa and final exit visa validity
Out of which 645,629 final exit visas were issued through online Absher and 540,820 through online Muqeem said Jawazat, According to the report published in Saudi Gazette. Recommend : Penalties on expired expat iqamas
- The passport department carried out more than 23 million electronic operations through online Absher and online Muqeem. Online Absher is a portal from Ministry Of Interior (MOI) to every user enabling number of e services.
- Muqeem Online is also a portal from MOI (Ministry Of Interior) to private companies and HR departments which provides number of e services of the employees to the employer. Most Viewed : Self employed expats in Saudi Arabia
- Cancelled final exit visas through Absher and Muqeem are about 52,956 in numbers.
- About 7.2 million (7,231,572) exit re entry visas issued last year, out of which 4.1 million (4,181,416) through Absher and 3 million (3,050,156) through Muqeem.
- 7.7 million iqamas renewed, 528,757 iqamas transferred, 973,360 iqamas cards printed and sent through Wasel service. New : Saudi Arabia tourist visas which is open to all
- 1 million (1,027,530) new iqamas issued, out of which 624,327 through Absher and 403,203 through Muqeem electronic services.
- About 38,679 Huroob (Absent from work) cases reported, 1.1 million (1,139,479) visit visas were renewed and 17,447 family visit visas were issued. Read : Penalty for not renewing iqama on time
- Nearly 572,325 electronic travel permits issued to the dependents of expatriates.