Social media became the place of spreading rumors, After the arrest of a preacher from mosque, Some of the rumors in social media are still roaming, As the preacher spoke against the government of their corruption Entertainment, and some says he spoke about the Jews.
Some people even claim it is from Jeddah mosque and he spoke against Government, We did not find anything on his sermon, However we bring the Truth behind the arrest of the preacher from the Mosque and it is from authorized source.
- Ministry of Islamic Affairs of Madinah's official spokesperson Abdulmajid bin Ghaleb bin Mohammedi reveals the truth behind the viral video, In his statement he said
"The incident happened in Al Jabriya Mosque in Yanbu Al Bahr, The mosque administration in Yanbu region reported a mentally disabled person attempted to deliver the Friday sermon at Al Jabriya Mosque at 12:35 PM".
"The administration called police after preacher refused to step down, Authorities immediately pulled him down, and then Friday prayers and sermons were held by the official Khatib of the mosque".
- However the authorities investigated the person, whether he have any motive for stepping up the sermon of Friday prayer, The police found him as mentally disabled person, so he was released.
- In Saudi Arabia, A preacher should hold the permit or Bataqa in order to preach publicly. As Saudi law preserves the essence of religion to preach what abides by Quran and the Prophetic traditions.