Wednesday, May 30, 2018



Saudi Arabia's Council has approved anti harassment law, after 84 vote majority in the 150 members of the Council as per the report published in Saudi Press Agency (SPA). Most Viewed : Women traffic violators will face hefty fines

Harassment is a word, act or sign with a sexual connotation by a person to any other person that harms their body or modesty by any means, including through modern technology. Trending : Benefits of working in Saudi Arabia

- According to the measure which was approved by the Saudi Shoura Council, harassers will face a jail term from 2 and a fine of 100,000 Saudi riyals, In case of repeating the offenses jail term will be up to 5 years and the fine will be up to 300,000 Saudi Riyals.

- The same jail term of 5 years and or 300,000 Saudi Riyals fine, If the harassment is on a child or a person with special needs or if the offender has direct authority over the victim, or the offence occurs in a place of work, study, shelter or care center, or if the offender and the victim are of the same sex, or if the victim is unconscious or if the crime occurs during a crisis, disaster or an accident. See Also : Employee termination without notice in Saudi Labor Law

- Anyone who incites others, agrees with them or assists them in any way to commit harassment will be given same penalty as offender face, anyone who attempts to harass will be given up to half of the maximum punishment, according to the report of Gulf news.

- In case of providing false information or notification about an act of harassment , they will be given same penalty as prescribed for the offence. Read : Things to know about Ramadan in Saudi Arabia

- The aim of this draft law is to combat the crime of harassment and stop it from occurring, to punish the violators and to protect the victims in order to maintain their privacy, dignity and personal freedom guaranteed by the provisions of the Islamic law and regulations in Saudi Arabia.

- Under the draft law, all authorities in the public and private sectors must take the necessary steps to prevent and combat with harassment within the work environment. You May Like : Half million fine one year jail for spying spouse mobile