A legal adviser said that the regulations will punish anyone who transforms a women's driving event into a material of grooming,ridicule and humor through social media, because that act is an abuse of the state system. Trending : Saudi fans praying during match in Russia
The Legal adviser Mohamed Al-Rampage explained that the punishment for such acts included imprisonment and fines, according to the newspaper Al-Hayat that photographing women's vehicles in the streets was a disrespect to the high order issued in this regard. Recommend : Saudi woman can drive through King Fahad Causeway
- The system of cyber crimes punishes anyone who produces or publishes any harm to the public order, religious values or private life will imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, and a fine not exceeding 3 million rials, or one of these penalties.
- It is added that the portrayal of women while driving vehicles and posting them on the websites was a violation of the information system and the publisher will be punished with imprisonment of up to one year and a fine of not more than 500,000 rials, or any of the two penalties. Read : Saudi Arabia may fine you for leaving food on your plate soon
- He noted that the anti-harassment system, which was launched earlier this month, will be in the lookout for anyone who is abused in any way.
- The decision to allow women to drive in the kingdom will come into effect from Sunday, the 10th of Shawwal. Most Viewed : Check the medical report status online for first time iqama