The Ministry of Labor and Social development and the Ministry of Housing announced that work permits should only be renewed or issued after the authentication of residential rent contracts in the Ejar system. Recommend : Penalties for transporting illegal Hajj pilgrims
The implementation of the process to link residential lease contracts with issuance or renewal of work permits to being from September 2018 as per the new resolution. Read : Free hot drinks and cold drinks on the road of Tabuk
- The decision to link is an implementation of a Cabinet's resolution on 13th Feb, 2017, which ordered Ministry of Labor and Social Development not to renew or issue work permits without a rent contract registered in the Ejar network.
- The agreement between ministries aims to ensure expats documentation of rental contracts in the Ejar network, promoting the the advanced services and contributing to the development of electronic transformation. See Also : Never every buy sim cards from outside stalls
- An awareness campaign about it will be carried out by the ministries concerned to ensure the success of the linking process. The aim is to protect the rights of tenants, landlords and middlemen through transparency, trust and impartiality.
- The Ejar systems will also allow to pay the rents electronically through SADAD either monthly or quarterly or 6 months on one year. which will help tenants and landlords to eliminate cash transactions. Most Viewed : Jawazat service charges