This Friday (27th July 2018) will turn into a day to remember, as the world along with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries is expected to witness a total lunar eclipse, it will be longest to watch after 8 decades. Most Viewed : Saudi man forgives rash driver before his death
The total duration of the lunar eclipse with its various stages is expected to be for 1 hour and 45 minutes in Saudi Arabia. According to a member in the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space sciences, It will be longest total lunar eclipse since 83 years. Recommend : Azizia's bird market closed after bird flu detected
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries can observe it at 9:24 PM in the hemisphere at different levels till it ends at 1:19 AM .
- Lunar eclipse occurs when Earth's shadow blocks the sun's light, which otherwise reflects off the moon. The moon will be in perfect alignment with the Sun and the Earth with the moon in the center of the Earth and the Sun. Read : A Saudi man did not sleep since 3 decades
- There are 3 types of lunar eclipses, Total, Partial and Penumbral, with total lunar eclipse, In which Earth's shadow completely covers the moon.
- The moon is not always in a straight line with the Sun and the Earth, That's why we do not get a lunar eclipse in every lunar cycle. See Also : Security authorities ban entries in Makkah without permits