For the first time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Customers can now able to open their bank account online from Bank Albilad. Applications of opening account can be filled and saved digitally then can submit at 10 AM, when the counter starts. Related : Send money online to home country through Enjaz
- Saudi National ID or Iqama number
- Email Address
- Saudi National Address
- Mobile Number
- MOI Absher account for authentication Similar : Procedure to register for MOI absher account
Procedure :
2. Enter your Iqama number and mobile number, authenticate your mobile via sent OTP.
3. Enter your personal Information like Iqama number, Job position, Title , Martial Status, Date of Birth, Qualification, Education, Preferred Calendar and Language.
4. You also need to enter more details like housing, employer, financial, account and general information.
5. Once finish, you can save it for later use or submit. Read : Procedure to activate MOI Absher account
6. After submitting you will get confirmation SMS then you need to approve it in your Absher account, Once you approve your banking services will be activated and your debit card will be sent to you on the given address.