Dependents Travel status can now able to check online in Absher
The Directorate General of Passports has launched a new electronic service that allows sponsors to inquire about the status of travel permits through the "Absher" platform. Recommend : Final exit on expired iqama in Saudi Arabia
According to Jawazat, this step comes as part of its plan to develop its services and facilitate the completion of transactions and procedures electronically, in cooperation with the National Information Center. Read : New
- This service is available to the Absher users by entering into their personal accounts and choosing the status of the travel permit from the available list, in order to see the details of the travel permit which includes the permit number, type, whether for single entry or multiple entries and countries authorized to travel.
- The Passport department (Jawazat) is seeking to automate all its services through the Absher, Absher Aamal and Muqeem platforms, without the need to review passport administrations, in order to save time and effort and to support efforts to develop and make the environment safer. See Also : how to update passport data in absher