Absher in Saudi Arabia is now launched a new service called "Qabul", which will allow you to authorize any request from any bank or client, you can either accept it or reject it its your decision. Most Viewed : Procedure to extend family visit visa online in Absher
Once you approved request in Qabul service, It will be in the history list, One can also check all the pending requests to accept till it get expired. Recommend : Procedure to Update Resident passport information in absher
- For example, If you open your bank account online in Bank Albilad or any other bank, then they need your authentication from Absher, That authentication request you will be find in 'Qabul Service'. Once you approved that request, you can open your bank account online.
Procedure to accept or reject request in Qabul service :
1. Login to your account, Authenticate yourself from the SMS message you get. You can also choose it from 'Services' then 'General Services' then 'Qabul' service. You also access it simply by clicking "Absher Qabul Service".
2. Select either 'View Pending Requests' or 'View Accepted Requests'. In pending requests you will see new requests which you need to accept or reject. In accepted requests you will see those which you accepted earlier.