Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Video : Girl student in Saudi Arabia scares classmates with Snake

Video : Female Student in Saudi Arabia scares classmates with snake

A student in Saudi Arabia brought a snake to her class at University of Taiba in Madina, Saudi Arabia from her house to scare her classmates sparking a state of panic.

The Information Technology female student brought snake to classroom to scare her friends, The teacher in the University managed to evacuate all students from the class after seein snake.

The terrified students called the security after seeing the snake at IT classroom. An Investigation report revealed that the student bought the sanke from a shop in Madina.

The snake is toothless and non poisnous, The girl student brought the snake only to scare her friends, However, Legal measures of disciplinary were taken against the female student.

Girl student in Saudi Arabia scares classmates with Snake