Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ministry of Humarn Resources issues temporary Guide to Remote Work to Private Sector

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development issued temporary Guide to Remote Work to the Private Sector

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has issued a temporary guide to working remotely, as part of the Kingdom's keen efforts to control the new "Corona" virus (COVID19) and prevent its entry and spread.

The guide states that the employer that applies this guide must have a technical system that meets, as a minimum, the following specifications:

1. It enables the employer to remotely manage the worker’s productivity and supervise the tasks assigned to him.

2. The worker is granted remotely the powers that enable him to perform his work tasks. The employer must specify the management of the method of work remotely for its employees in terms of determining the working hours, whether they are specified in a specific time, or flexible during the day, week, or month, provided that it sets up mechanisms for monitoring its work and managing worker productivity.

- The guide indicated that the employee has an obligation to attend to the employer if needed, and to use the devices designated for him by the employer to perform his work, or personal devices to which the entity's cyber security controls are applied, and to keep the work information and documents in the technical vessels of the employer.

- While adhering to the policies and procedures related to cyber security and remote communication stipulated by the employer, keeping the tools and devices - which are in his custody - and looking after them and requesting the necessary maintenance for them from the workplace whenever required, and returning the tools and devices provided by him to the employer, to do his job, when asked to do so.

Ministry of Humarn Resources issues temporary Guide to Remote Work to Private Sector