More than 7000 Bangladeshi Workers sent back to Home from Saudi Arabia in 2 Months
According to the officials in Dhaka, About 7061 Bangladeshi workers were deported from Saudi Arabia within 2 months, As they become illegals, After the expiration of their iqamas and work permits and their sponsors failed to update it on time. Trending : Check Iqama Expiry date online without Absher
Some detainees claimed that they had been sent back to the home country as 'Premature', Even though they had valid work permits and travel documents, Few of them arrived in Kingdom only 3 to 10 months before. See Also : Saudi Government compensates Bangladeshi to Makkah Crane victims
- Working part time jobs or working on self business without permit or working to a employer other than your iqama sponsor is illegal in Saudi Arabia and those who caught by police will be arrested and deported even though they have valid work permits, Fines will be imposed on the employers or sponsors of such expatriates unless they report them as Absent from work or Huroob.
- As per the Wage Earners Welfare Board of Bangladesh, About 3600 Bangladeshi workers returned home country in January and 3461 workers in February of the year 2020. Since January 2018, Saudi Arabia deported more than 69,494 Bangladeshis after detaining them at camps said PMO report. Read : Sponsorship Transfer without Kafeel Approval
- According to the Bangladesh's Prime Ministers Office (PMO), More than 7.5 lakh Bangladeshi workers lost their jobs on the expiry of their iqama and they became illegal and undocumented.