Monday, March 2, 2020

Raise in Demand of Face Masks in Saudi Arabia fears CoronaVirus

Demand of Face Masks in Saudi Arabia after Corona-Virus Fear Raise

Saudi Arabia's Pharmacies are struggling in order to meet the demand of the face masks as the fear of Corona-Virus is on raise, Even though the Ministry Of Health said no cases of Corona in the Kingdom as of now. Trending : Saudi Arabia is fully ready with 25 hospitals to fight with Coronavirus

Most of the people wearing it in Saudi Arabia especially in public areas, People demanding more face masks, as it is suggested to not re use the mask, once used. One Pharmacy said they ordered for new masks before 2 weeks, still the order is not delivered. See Also : Saudi Arabia temporarily ban Umrah pilgrimage to visitors

- Some sources reported that Saudi Arabia had tested some 250 cases that are all found to be negative, The Kingdom remains free of virus reported Health Ministry of the country. The Ministry Of Health in Saudi Arabia is taking all precautionary measures to protect the Kingdom against the virus.

- Most of the pharmacies in the country are out of stock in case of face masks, The Pharmacies have limited stock, It is recommended to wear it at public places or in places where you are in close contact with someone. Most Viewed : Medical leave of 14 days for Self Quarantine in home from those who entered after March 13

- Customers are asking for large quantities, But we are not permitting them to take more than 1 to 5 boxes. While one medical shop said they are out of stock in 2 days after re stocking, despite there is no Coronavirus case reported yet in Kingdom.

Raise in Demand of Face Masks in Saudi Arabia fears CoronaVirus