Saudi Arabia confirms Second Coronavirus (COVID-19) Case after Saudi Citizen returns from Iran via Bahrain
The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia announced the second coronavirus (COVID-19) case in the Kingdom of a male Saudi Citizen came from Iran through Bahrain, According to the report of Saudi Press Agency (SPA). Trending : Saudi Arabia temporarily suspends Umrah pilgrimage for domestic pilgrims
It is also said that the 2nd coronavirus case did not inform the authorities about his visit to Iran while coming, The report also revealed that second case was in company with the first case. Related : Saudi Arabia reports first case of Coronavirus
- The Ministry of Health confirmed about the new case and is currently quarantined in hospital and all the people who interacted with him have been tested and the results are awaited. The Ministry calls everyone to call 937, If they have any queries related to the virus.
- According to the current details from various sources, The highest number of coronavirus cases in the Middle East are Iran followed by Bahrain and Kuwait. See Also : Demand of face masks in Saudi Arabia after covid-19
- As per the fresh details from various sources, The Middle East countries that did not report any coronavirus cases as of now are Palestine, Cyprus, Syria, Turkey and Yemen.