After lifting the Partial Curfew, Ministry of Health issues Advice to Follow for Citizens and Expatriates
The Ministry of Health of the Kingdom gave several important advice to follow for citizens and expatriates after the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz issued an order to lift the Curfew partially in all regions of Saudi Arabia except Makkah and some isolate neigborhoods announced earlier from Today until 20th Ramadan 1441 (13th May 2020) from 9 AM to 5 PM. Related : Saudi Arabia lifts the Curfew partially in all regions except in Makkah and isolate neighborhoods
The Health Ministry recommended the importance of following the correct methods in order prevent and avoid infection of Coronavirus (Covid-19), It said
* Wash and sterilize your hands frequently
* Stay away from gatherings Recommend : Saudi Arabia to drop flogging as punishment in judicial courts
* Do not talk to anyone and make a distance of at least 2 meters.
* Keep in mind that elders and those with chronic diseases are the most vulnerable to the Coronavirus, stressing the importance of contributing to their protection, by not taking them to gathering places.
عند الخروج من المنزل عليك اتباع سبل الوقاية الصحيحة:— و ز ا ر ة ا لـ صـ حـ ة السعودية (@SaudiMOH) April 26, 2020
- اغسل يديك وعقمها باستمرار.
- ابتعد عن أماكن التجمعات.
- لا تقترب من أحد واجعل مسافة لا تقل عن مترين.
وتذكر دائمًا أن كبار السن، وأصحاب الأمراض المزمنة هم الأكثر عرضة للفيروس.. ساهم بحمايتهم.#الوقاية_من_كورونا #كلنا_مسؤول