Friday, May 1, 2020

India extends its Lockdown by 2 weeks splits it in Red, Orange and Green zones

India extends its Lockdown by 2 weeks splits it in Red, Orange and Green zones

India has extended the nationwide lockdown by 2 more weeks, It was supposed to end on May 3, 2020, After extension it has been pushed to 17th May 2020. However, There will be some relaxations, which will be updated based on the spread of the virus in districts, identified as Red Hotspot, Orange zone and Green zone. Trending : Saudi Arabia to conduct mass community screening to fight against the Covid-19

Green zones are the districts that do not have any Corona virus confirmed case in the last 21 days, The Red hotspots are districts which has active cases, doubling rate of confirmed cases, testing and survelience feedback from this districts and the zones which are not in Green or Red called Orange zone.

RED HOTSPOT ZONE : In red zone, There will be intensified surveillance protocals, contact tracing. Containment zones will see house to house surveillance, strict premier will be ensured. Below all are allowed with restrictions and social distancing. See Also : Indian nationals in Saudi Arabia who want to go to home country are called to fill the form

- Movement of individuals and vehicles with a maximum of 2 persons in 4 wheeler, only rider in case of 2 wheeler.

- All standalone shops, colony shops and shops in residential complexes

- E-Commerce activities only in respect of essential goods.

- Private offices can operate by 33% staff

- All Government offices, Food Processing Units, Agricultural activities, Plantation activities, Health services, Banks, Finance companies, Insurance and Capital market activities, Public utilities are allowed.

ORANGE ZONE (Allowed) : In addition to the above mentioned, Taxis and cabs will be permitted with 1 driver and 1 passenger only with inter district movement. Read : Special PIA flights takes 500 stranded Pakistanis back to home from Saudi Arabia

GREEN ZONE (Allowed) : All activities are allowed, Except schools, colleges, restaurants, large gatherings and malls. Buses can operate with 50% capacity and bus deports with 50% capacity. All goods traffic allowed, E-commerce sales and liquor sales are allowed.

- Above 65 years of age, pregnant women and children below 10 years shall remain at home, Medical clinics can operate in all Red, Orange and Green zones by maintaining social distancing. You May Like : No Harm in radiation emitted by 5G technology

- Air, Rail, metro, schools, colleges, training, coaching, hotels, restaurants, cinema halls, malls, gyms, sports, religious gatherings are not allowed. Movement is restricted for all activities from 7 PM to 7 AM.

India extends its Lockdown by 2 weeks splits it in Red, Orange and Green zones