The General Directorate of Passports said 'The period of Extending the validity of Exit Re-Entry for beneficiaries has Expired'
The General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) in Saudi Arabia explained that the period of extending the exit re-entry visas for the beneficiaries has expired, which has been extended for 3 months due to the Corona pandemic. See Also : Expired Tourist Visas of Saudi Arabia to be extended for 3 months without any cost
The Jawazat via its Twitter account explained that the validity of exit re-entry visas for beneficiaries within the Kingdom who have commercial professions has been extended by adding three months to the validity period of the visas that have expired, from 1/7/1441H, until 1/10/1441 AH.
- This response came from the directorate of passports to a query from a resident expatriate about the expiry of his multiple visa extension period on June 3, asking whether it will be extended for another three months or whether it should be canceled. Most Viewed : Modification of Exit Re-Entry is not possible only cancellation is possible
- About those whose exit re-entry visa expired while outside the Kingdom, the Jawazat stated that the resumption of the mechanism for extending the exit re-entry visa will be announced after the end of the crisis of the new Corona pandemic, knowing that in the event of new decisions or instructions issued, they will be announced through official channels.