8787 Commercial Establishment were Stopped from Operating until 20th June
The Riyadh Municipality revealed that 8787 commercial establishments were banned from operating its services in the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 8th Shawwal until 28th Shawwal (20th June), in compliance with the precautionary measures to prevent corona virus (covid-19). Recommend : 8 Daily habits that threat you to develop corona virus
The Secretariat clarified that these establishments includes
- 6,409 Barbers
- 346 Sports centers
- 1985 women's dressing workshops
- 13 Cinemas
- 34 Honey cafes and hookahs See Also : Indonesia cancels Hajj pilgrimage for its people this year due to Corona virus
التزامًا بالتوجيهات الاحترازية.. #أمانة_منطقة_الرياض: ٨,٧٨٧ منشأة تجارية محظورة من ممارسة نشاطها في العاصمة خلال الفترة من ٨ وحتى ٢٨ شوال الجاري، تشمل: محلات الحلاقة، ومشاغل التزيين النسائي، والمراكز الرياضية، وصالات السينما، ومقاهي الشيشة والمعسل..#صحتكم_أمانة #نعود_بحذر pic.twitter.com/AYbQC04PSI— أمانة منطقة الرياض (@Amanatalriyadh) June 3, 2020