Kuwait bans recruiting Expatriates in its Oil sector
Kuwait has a population of around 4.8 million, Out of which 3.4 million are expatriates, The country decided it does not want to be an expat majority nation anymore. Read : 6 Workers dies inside a underground water pipe in Riyadh
The OPEC member moves to reduce the number of expatriate workers in Kuwait, The country will no longer recruit foreign workers for jobs in its oil sector.
- According to the Kuwait News Agency report, Expatriates would not be hired at Kuwait Petroleum Corp., the state-run main energy producer and its subsidiaries for 2020-2021 said Oil Minister Khaled Al-Fadhel. Recommend : A Saudi citizen arrested for abusing an Expat
- The Prime Minister of Kuwait last week stated that the country's expatriate population should be more than halved to 30% of the total, As the corona virus pandemic and a drop in oil prices shaken the Gulf economies.
- As the foreigners are more in our population, we have a future challenge to correct this imbalance said Sheikh Sabah Al Khalid Al Sabah. See Also : Green Riyadh project aims to plant 7.5 million trees