Amendments to the Protocols of Domestic Workers from Interior Ministry
The Ministry of Interior in Saudi Arabia announced a number of preventive protocols and modification to a number of precautionary measures to reduce the Corona virus pandemic, including the protocols of domestic workers (hourly system).
Protocols for domestic labor included a number of changes including increasing working hours for workers as well as reducing capacity of bus to make sure the social distance maintaining.
The following are the details of Domestic Labor Protocols (Hourly) :
Hygiene and Health Tips :
1. Workers must wear a mask (cover mouth and nose) before starting work.
2. They must stick to washing hands frequently, especially before work begins and after its end for at least 40 seconds or use hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds in cases of no soap and water available.
3. Workers should pay attention to personal hygiene.
4. Clothes should be washed immediately after the end of the work period and allocate work clothes, which would not used for sleeping or other work.
5. The domestic workers operating company must provide face masks and hand sanitizer before the start of work.
6. The buses of workers must be cleansed daily before and after they move to their workplace.
7. The operating company must implement health requirements regarding employee housing (Refer health requirements manual for worker from National Center for Disease Prevention and Control.
8. The workers operating company must check the temperature daily and ask them about any symptoms of coughing, fever and record a special record on daily basis.
9. A daily record must be maintained at the number of locations of visits made by workers and the name of the driver to be referred to in the case of epidemiological investigation.
Physical Spacing and Remote Work :
1. Increase working hours for employment and care not to come into direct contact with other people.
2. It is preferable to take care of workers not to move between more than one house per day and limit it if possible.
3. It is best to allocate each worker to work in specific areas or homes to reduce the chance of transmission.
4. Workers should not be in contact with the family or stay apart.
5. Workers must change gloves, if they are used, washed or disinfected, before going to another home.
6. The bus capacity should be reduced so that some seats are vacated to ensure the social distance of workers.
7. When workers visit the home, people at risk of Corona virus should be removed at home, such as the elderly and those with chronic respiratory disease and immune deficiency.
Reporting :
1. A room must be allocated in workers residence that meet the conditions for domestic isolation for cases suspected of being corona virus until transferred to the hospital.
2. In case of a confirmed case registered in among workers, those who are in contact must be identified to cooperate with the Ministry of Health.
3. Workers must aware of corona disease through official channels of the Ministry.