Thursday, July 9, 2020

Reasons for High complications of Corona to Pregnant Woman - MOH

Reasons for High complications of Corona to Pregnant Woman - MOH

The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia said that pregnant women are more affected than others by the complications of the emerging corona virus pandemic, and they have advised women to apply precautionary measures to prevent the global pandemic.

The Ministry revealed that through its Infograph, on its official account on Twitter that pregnant women are more affected than others by the complications of Covid-19, Because a woman’s immune system is affected by hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy and her vulnerability increases if she has a chronic disease such as diabetes, sickle cell anemia, and others.

Yesterday, the Ministry revealed 3036 new cases of corona virus in the Kingdom. This brings the total infections to 220144, while the total number of recoveries reached 158050, and the total number of deaths from the virus reached 2059 cases, while 42 deaths and 3,211 cases were recovered during the past 24 hours.

Reasons for High complications of Corona to Pregnant Woman - MOH