Friday, August 28, 2020

Expat man arrested in Saudi Arabia for Illegally raising Funds

Expat man arrested in Saudi Arabia for Illegally raising Funds

Expatriates who raise funds or promote a campaign to collect money in Saudi Arabia without authorization will lead to a jail term of 6 months to 2 years, They will be deported from the Kingdom after serving their imprisonment.

- A fine of upto 500,000 riyals will be imposed on any association or group that involved in fund raising without approval from the authorities. The fine also applies on spending the funds it raises in ways that are different from ones stated in the application, The fine will be double in case of repeating it.

- Only Saudi nationals can be involved in fundraising campaigns. Contributions and donations are accepted only from Saudi donors and printing houses cannot print fundraising coupons until they gets approval from the authorities. Similar : Expat man arrested in Saudi Arabia for trading illegal sim cards

- All the details related to every fundraising activity have to be recorded in a report that is submitted to the authorities less 1 month after the event is completed. Non compliance with the rule lead to cancellation of the license to engage in fundraising activities or receive donations.

- The spokesperson of the Madina Police, Lietenant Colonel Hussein Al Qahtani said, A Bangladeshi man was arrested in Saudi Arabia for illegally collecting money, The man was in his 40s and about 42,252 Saudi Riyals, documents, 4 computers and 11 mobile phones were seized from him.

- The arrested Bangladeshi man was remanded in public custody and referred to the Public Prosecution for trial. He could face the charges of collecting money illegally in Saudi Arabia without the approval from the consent authorities reports Gulf news. Read : Fine for using Hookah in public place or park in Saudi Arabia

Expat man arrested in Saudi Arabia for Illegally raising Funds -