Thursday, November 19, 2020

Saudi Arabia permits Indian Healthcare Workers and their families to return to Kingdom

 Saudi Arabia permits Indian Healthcare Workers and their families to return to Kingdom

Saudi Arabia is now permitting Indian healthcare workers and their families to return to the Kingdom from India, This good news came after Indian Mission's efforts. The Embassy is continuing its efforts with the authorities to open flights for all Indian nationals soon.

Earlier this week, Deputy Chief of Indian Mission Mr. N Ram Prasad held discussions with the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) team led by Dr. Bader Alsagir, Asst. President, calling for lifting of travel ban, Air Bubble and early resumption of flights between Indian and Saudi Arabia.

- The new GACA circular issued Today states to "All Airlines operating in the airports of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including general aviation" to excluding health practitioners in India with their families from suspension of travel To/From countries where the Covid-19 virus has outbreak.

- Health practitioners in India and their families are exempt from the suspension of travel To/From countries where Covid-19 has outbreak.

- Indian Embassy in Riyadh confirms the GACA circular by post it on its official social media accounts.

Saudi Arabia permits Indian Healthcare Workers and their families to return to Kingdom -

Saudi Arabia permits Indian Healthcare Workers and their families to return to Kingdom -