Thursday, December 24, 2020

Saudi Council of Engineers seizes 2799 forged Engineering certificates of Expatriates

 Saudi Council of Engineers seizes 2799 forged Engineering certificates of Expatriates

The Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE) in Kingdom has seized 2799 forged engineering and technical certificates of expatriates of various nationalities.

The Secretary General of the Authority, Engineer Farhan Al Shmmari said that the authority has been working for years in order to control the violators and who cheated in engineering and technical professions.

- As part of the plan to uncover those who practice the profession without qualifications that achieve the highest levels of quality in engineering and technical work. Read : Technician professions that need to register in Saudi Council to renew Iqama

- He highlighted that this step is important to remove unqualified technicians and assistant engineers, as their presence poses a threat to the safety and quality of the projects in which they work.

- Al Shammari pointed out that they cause many negatives to appear that affect the quality and output of the engineering and construction sector.

- He added that the assigned Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs asked the authority to conduct professional exams for expat employees to confirm the role of the authority plays in the professional work and experience it and offers in relation to practicing engineering and technical professions. Related : Saudi Council of Engineers to conduct Examinations for Expat engineers

Saudi Council of Engineers seizes 2799 forged Engineering certificates of Expatriates -