The Per capita portion of Meat is 70 grams per Day - Saudi Food and Drug Authority
The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) advised that the number of daily servings per person of meat should be 2-3 servings per day, bearing in mind that one serving is equivalent to 30 grams, and does not exceed 70 grams. Follow Saudi Expatriates on Google News
The SFDA through its Twitter stated that calculating the daily protein requirement for a person is as follows:
- The consumption of protein per person per day ranges from 15 to 20% of the average daily calorie requirement 2000 calories, which is equivalent to 300-400 calories from protein a day. Trending : Study reveals walking on beach burns 50% more calories
- The Authority added that, it is recommended that the number of daily servings from the meat group in general be 2 to 3 servings per day, one serving contains 30 grams.
- The Food and Drug Administration explained that in general, the rate of meat consumption per day should not exceed 70 grams. Recommend : 9 benefits of Physical activity on Human body