More than 21 Million doses of Corona Vaccine administered in Saudi Arabia
The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia announced that the number of vaccines given against the Corona virus (Covid-19) in the Kingdom has reached more than 21 million (21,145,303) doses, through 587 centers in all regions.
The Ministry called its all citizens and residents to take the step, to receive the vaccine, and register now through the Sehhaty application. Trending : Sehhaty app now displaying the vaccine name available in the vaccination center
- According to Ministry of Health figures, 18.2 million (18,210,118) received the first dose, while 2.9 million (2,935,185) received the second dose.
- The official figures of the Ministry of Health also indicate that the number of elderly people who received the vaccine reached 1.4 million (1,409,953). Recommend : Mixing Corona vaccines is scientifically safe in Saudi Arabia - Ministry of Health
بفضل الله أكثر من (21,000,000) جرعة من لقاح كورونا (كوفيد-19) تم إعطائها حتى الآن عبر أكثر من (587) موقع للتطعيم في كافة مناطق المملكة.#خذ_الخطوة خذ اللقاح وسجل الآن عبر تطبيق صحتي.
— و ز ا ر ة ا لـ صـ حـ ة السعودية (@SaudiMOH) July 15, 2021