Sehhaty app now allows its users to choose the Vaccine of their choice, as the app started displaying Vaccine names
Saudi nationals and expatriates are now allowed to take a Coronavirus vaccine of their choice at the time of booking appointment through 'Sehhaty' app, as the app now displaying the name of vaccine available at the location they choose.
Sehhaty app recent update got this feature, now the app lets know its users which vaccine is being administered at the each vaccination center across the country and shows each of the registered vaccines carrying a barcode with a different color. Trending : Saudi Arabia reports 8,020 Corona deaths so far, since the beginning of the pandemic
- This feature comes in the Sehhaty app, after the Kingdom has started providing the second dose of Corona vaccine for all targeted age groups from 11th July.
- Saudi Arabia has administered nearly 20.97 million (20,966,319) doses of Corona vaccine to its citizens and residents all over the Kingdom through more than 587 vaccination center.
- Of the 20.96 million doses, more than 18,126,879 are first doses of the vaccine and 2,839,440 are second doses while the elderly people received more than 1,408,657 doses of the vaccine against Covid-19. Follow us on Telegram