Active cases of Corona falls to 5,242 in Saudi Arabia on 21st August
The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia announced 409 new corona infections, 710 new recoveries and 11 deaths in the last 24 hours, after performing 68,672 Covid-19 tests.
Total cases of Corona virus in the Kingdom increased to 541,610 of which 527,899 recovered with 8,469 deaths, so far the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia did more than 26.7 million (26,777,315) Corona tests.
- Active cases of Corona falls to 5,242, of them 1,162 are critical and are in intensive cares, In the last 24 hours 43 critical cases left intensive cares of the Kingdom. Riyadh tops with 367 active cases, Jeddah with 290 and Yanbu with 198 active covid-19 cases. Trending : Jawazat clarifies important information regarding Final Exit Visa
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia vaccinated more than 33.63 million (33,639,277) doses, of which 21.3 million (21,300,011) are first doses, 12.3 million (12,339,266) people received two doses, elderly people received about 1.5 million (1,563,054) doses.
- The Ministry of Health said that the vaccines approved in the Kingdom are effective and safe, explaining the importance of receiving two doses of the Corona vaccine to prevent complications from the rapidly spreading delta variant.
- The Ministry advised everyone to contact the 937 Center for Consultations and Inquiries around the clock, and to receive health information and services, and to know the latest developments of the Corona virus. Read : Haramain Train announces the baggage allowance for each person in its Train