Monday, September 27, 2021

No Custom duty on Shipments of less than 1000 Riyals in Saudi Arabia

No Custom duty on Shipments of less than 1000 Riyals in Saudi Arabia

The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority in Saudi Arabia has clarified that personal shipments are exempted from custom duty if the total cost of product is amounting to less than 1000 Saudi Riyals, including the price of the goods and shipping charges. Like Saudi Expatriates on Facebook

However, The authority stated that a standard rate of 15% VAT will be imposed on all imports, in case of any violation on it, a report and a proof of verification and testimony to be submitted through Value Added Tax (VAT) application.

- The authority further clarified that, the process of shipment and customs clearance is the responsibility of the transport carrier. Trending : Limit of Energy drinks allowed to bring into Saudi Arabia for each person

- The customers must communicate with the transport carrier to complete the shipment clearance procedures. The carrier's customs representative shall prepare customs declaration along with the attached documents.

- The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority explained that the carrier is obligated to provide the customer with a copy of the customs declaration that shows all duties and taxes have been imposed, customers can contact their transport carrier to get a copy of the customs declaration.

- In case of dissatisfaction with the service provided by the transport carrier or his refusal to provide a copy customs declaration to customer, a complaint can be lodged against it through CITC (Communications and Information Technology Commission), which has the jurisdiction to take a decision on the case, said the authority, as per the report of Saudi Gazette. Recommend : 6 items that require a custom declaration upon Arrival or Departure from Saudi Arabia

No Custom duty on Shipments of less than 1000 Riyals in Saudi Arabia -