Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ministry of Interior reminds of a fine of 1,000 riyals for not wearing a Mask

Ministry of Interior renewed its warning for not wearing a Mask, with a fine of 1,000 riyals

The Ministry of Interior in Saudi Arabia has renewed its reminder for citizens and residents of the need to adhere to wearing a mask and to apply distancing measures in all places (indoor and outdoor), activities and events, stating that violating this requires penalty. Follow Saudi Expatriates on imo app

The Ministry of Interior through its Twitter said, Not using a medical or cloth mask or what ever covers the nose and mouth, is against the preventive and precautionary measures of corona virus.

- Those who violate this obligation to face the penalty of 1,000 riyals, and it will be doubled when it is repeated or faced this violation earlier, and it may reach up to 100,000 riyals after that." Trending : Saudi Arabia reintroduces mask and physical distance mandatory in all places

- Earlier, The Ministry of the Interior stated that all procedures and measures are subject to continuous evaluation by the competent health authorities in the Kingdom, according to the developments of the epidemiological situation locally and globally.

- The Ministry highlighted the need for everyone to adhere to all precautionary and preventive measures, and the approved protocols for their safety.

- The Interior ministry indicated that the legal procedures and penalties for violators will be applied, pointing out the importance of all members of society speed up to complete receiving the vaccine doses. Recommend : Procedure to reject or approve Service Transfer Request through Absher

Ministry of Interior renewed its warning with a fine of 1,000 riyals for not wearing a Mask -

Ministry of Interior renewed its warning with a fine of 1,000 riyals for not wearing a Mask -