Monday, December 27, 2021

Saudi Arabia reports 524 new Corona infections in last 24 hours, Six tips from Health Spokesperson

Saudi Arabia reports 524 new Corona infections in last 24 hours, Six tips from Health Spokesperson

Saudi Arabia register 524 new corona infections, 142 recoveries and 1 death in the last 24 hours, increasing the total corona cases in Saudi Arabia to 553,319 of them 541,010 recovered with 8,872 deaths.

Active cases of Covid-19 in the Kingdom increased to 3,437 of them 40 are critical, since Yesterday seven cases joined critical care unit. Riyadh tops in the list of active cases with 700, Jeddah with 485, Makkah with 484, while Madina has 151 active corona infections.

- In the past 24 hours, The Ministry of Health has done 75,682 corona tests, so far 32,885,065 covid-19 tests since the beginning of the pandemic in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Trending : More than 6000 flights canceled around the World due to Omicron variant

- The Health Ministry also announced that it has administered over 49.82 million (49,823,551) doses of corona vaccine all over the Kingdom and its regions. Of them 1,769,535 are booster doses, while 1,733,052 elderly people received the corona vaccine.

- The Ministry also announced that more than 23 million (23,089,038) doses of vaccine are second doses, while 24.96 million (24,964,978) people received only one vaccine against corona virus.

- The spokesperson of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Muhammad Al-Abdali gave 6 tips to protect themselves from corona infection through its Twitter and they are

* Receive complete vaccination with 2 doses and strengthen it with booster dose

* Check Health status

* Do not shake hands, Clean hands and ventilate areas

* Commitment to quarantine or isolation as per Tawakkalna status or when symptom appears and not to meet with others.

* Informing competent authorities of violations of preventive measures. Subscribe Saudi Expatriates on YouTube

Saudi Arabia reports 524 new Corona infections in last 24 hours, Six tips from Health Spokesperson -

Saudi Arabia reports 524 new Corona infections in last 24 hours, Six tips from Health Spokesperson -

Saudi Arabia reports 524 new Corona infections in last 24 hours, Six tips from Health Spokesperson -