Posted by : Aahil Shaik Friday, February 18, 2022

Saudi Arabia administered over 60 million doses of Corona vaccine, of them 10 million are Booster doses

The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia announced that it has administered over 60 million (60,095,936) doses of corona vaccine to Saudi nationals, resident expats and visitors all over the Kingdom and its regions through its 587 vaccination centers. Trending : Saudi Arabia lists one more holiday on its Calendar in the name of Foundation Day on 22nd Feb

The Ministry also said that of the total 60 million doses, over 10 million (10,165,281) were booster or third doses, while more than 24 million (24,023,935) people were received two doses and over 25.83 million (25,835,353) people received only one dose of the vaccine and the elderly people received 1,942,847 doses.

- Today (On 18th February), Saudi Arabia registers 1,376 new corona cases, 2,596 recoveries and 3 deaths in the past 24 hours after performing 93,492 covid-19 tests. Most Viewed : There is no truth on study of reducing working days in Saudi Arabia - Human Resources

- After the new infections, the total corona cases in the Kingdom increases to 737,334 of them 707,492 recovered while 8,981 people left this world due to the complications with the virus. So far the Ministry of Health has conducted over 40 million (40,005,414) corona tests since the beginning of the pandemic in the Kingdom.

- Active cases of Covid-19 in Saudi Arabia further drops to 20,861, of them 933 are critical and are in intensive cares of the hospitals and medical facilities. Since Yesterday, 29 corona cases left critical care.

- In the list of active corona infections, Riyadh tops with 6,258, Jeddah with 2,468, Makkah with 1,459, Dammam with 1,075, Madina with 757, Hofouf with 730 active corona cases. Like and Follow Saudi Expatriates on Facebook

Saudi Arabia administered over 60 million doses of Corona vaccine, of them 10 million are Booster doses -

Saudi Arabia administered over 60 million doses of Corona vaccine, of them 10 million are Booster doses -

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