Sunday, June 5, 2022

Qatar and Kuwait summoned Indian Ambassadors demands Apology for remarks against Prophet Mohammed

Qatar and Kuwait summoned Indian Ambassadors demands Apology from Indian Government for remarks against Prophet Mohammed

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar summoned Indian ambassador to state of Qatar, Dr. Deepak Mittal and handed him an official note, expressing Qatar's total rejection of the statements of an official in the ruling party in India against the Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him). See Also : Saudi Arabia condemns Indian officials comments against Prophet Mohammed

Kuwait's Ministry of Foreign Affairs also summoned the Ambassador of India to the state of Kuwait and handed him an official protest note expressing the Kuwait's categorical rejection and condemnation of the offensive statements of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and Islam and Muslims issued by one of the officials in the ruling party.

- Earlier this, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has expressed its strong condemnation and denunciation of the recent insults issued by an official in the ruling party in India towards the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). Like and Follow Saudi Expatriates on Facebook

- The organization called on the Indian authorities to resolutely confront these abuses and all forms of insults to the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Islamic religion, and to bring the instigators, those involved and the perpetrators of violence and hate crimes against Muslims to justice, and to hold the parties behind them accountable.

- Qatar calls on the Indian government to immediately condemn these remarks and publicly apologize to all Muslims in the world. The Ministry highlighted the danger of empowering hate speech and Islamophobic disclosure in a country that Islam and Muslims have clearly contributed to its civilized development and Today they represent a large percentage of its citizens.

- The Qatar Ministry underlined that whoever made these statements is undoubtedly ignorant of the position of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) among Muslims and their veneration of him, and that attacking him is a deliberate provocation of the feelings of all Muslims. Follow Saudi Expatriates on Twitter

- The Ministry of Qatar welcomed the statement issued by the ruling party BJP in India in which it announced the suspension of the party's official from practicing his activities in the party due to his remarks that angered all Muslims around the world, highlighting that allowing such Islamophobic remarks to continue without punishment, constitutes a grave danger to the protection of human rights and may lead to further prejudice and marginalization, which will create a cycle of violence and hate.

- The Kuwait Ministry also welcomes the statement issued by the ruling party BJP in India, during which it announced the suspension of the official from carrying out his duties and activities in the party because of these offensive statements.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kuwait demands a public apology for those hostile statements, the continuation of which without deterrence or punishment will constitute to increasing aspects of extremism and hatred and undermining elements of moderation, noting that issuing such statements reflects a clear ignorance of the message of peace and tolerance of our Islamic religion, and the great role Islam has played in building civilizations in all countries of the World including India. Subscribe to Saudi Expatriates YouTube

- The Organization of Islamic Cooperation also called on the Indian authorities to ensure the safety, security and well-being of the Muslim community in India and to protect its rights, religious and cultural identity, dignity and places of worship, calling on the international community, especially the United Nations mechanisms and the special procedures of the Human Rights Council, to take the necessary measures to address the practices targeting Muslims in India.

Qatar and Kuwait summoned Indian Ambassadors demands Apology for remarks against Prophet Mohammed -

Qatar and Kuwait summoned Indian Ambassadors demands Apology for remarks against Prophet Mohammed -

Qatar and Kuwait summoned Indian Ambassadors demands Apology for remarks against Prophet Mohammed -