Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Saudi father pardons the killer of his Only son, demanded nothing in return

Saudi father pardons the killer of his Only son, demanded nothing in return

A Saudi father has pardoned the killer of his only son and demanded nothing as blood money from the family of murderer, ending a decades-long feud between two tribes. Join Saudi Expatriates on Telegram

Prince Turki bin Talal, the governor of the Asir region, attended the ceremony of pardoning the killer of the young Saudi boy. The family decided to forgive the culprit after the Prince Turki asked them to do so. Read : Death compensation in Saudi Arabia

- The Prince praised the family's kind deed, stating that they have made all Saudi people proud. The pardoning ceremony also saw the resolution of a long-standing tribal conflict.

- Last year also, a Saudi father pardoned his son's killer minutes before the execution. The father did not demanded any compensation as blood money from his son killer's family but set a condition that the convict or his family will not celebrate the pardon.

Saudi father pardons the killer of his Only son, demanded nothing in return - Saudi-Expatriates.com