Friday, September 9, 2022

Saudi Arabia advances 5 ranks in United Nations Human Development Index

Saudi Arabia advances 5 ranks in United Nations Human Development Index

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia advanced 5 ranks in the results of Human Development Index (HDI) by the United Nations Development Program 2022 (UNDP) report, becoming 35th country in the world out of 191 countries compared to 40th country in the last version of the report.

Saudi Arabia ranked 10th among the G20 nations and achieved the highest progress between the results of the years 2019 and 2021 among the G20 countries.

- The Kingdom's education recorded a significant progress in the axis of knowledge acquisition, advancing 18 places in the average years of schooling index, as the country advanced to the 56th place compare to the 74th in the last edition of report, which reflects the continuation of development processes and the strengthening of the Kingdom's education capacity in global competition and the accompanying efforts to improve learning outcomes. See Also : Saudi Arabia ranks 11th in most powerful countries of the world

- The UNDP 2022 report is based on 3 basic dimensions of human development, a long and healthy life, knowledge and an adequate standard of living.

Human Development Index Ranking report for the year 2022 from UNDP :

1. Switzerland

2. Norway

3. Iceland

4. Hong Kong

5. Australia

6. Denmark

8. Ireland

9. Germany

10. Netherlands

11. Finland

12. Singapore

13. Belgium, New Zealand

15. Canada

16. Liechtenstein

17. Luxembourg

18. United Kingdom

19. Japan, Korea

21. United States

22. Israel

23. Malta, Slovenia

25. Austria

26. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

27. Spain

28. France

29. Cyprus

31. Estonia

32. Czechia

33. Greece

34. Poland

35. Bahrain, Lithuania, Saudi Arabia

42. Qatar

48. Turkey

50. Kuwait

52. Russian Federation

62. Malaysia

63. Mauritius

73. Sri Lanka

76. Iran

77. Ukraine

87. Brazil

90. Maldives

97. Egypt

102. Jordan

104. Libya

106. Palestine

109. South Africa

112. Lebanon

114. Indonesia

116. Philippines

121. Iraq

123. Morocco

127. Bhutan

129. Bangladesh

143. Nepal

161. Pakistan

172. Sudan

183. Yemen

191. South Sudan

Saudi Arabia advances 5 ranks in United Nations Human Development Index -