Sunday, October 23, 2022

4 new amendments to the regulations of 'Absent From Work' of workers in the Private sector - MHRSD

Four new amendments to the regulations of 'Absent From Work (Huroob)' of workers in the Private sector - Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in Saudi Arabia has updated the controls, regulations and procedures of the worker's Absent From Work (Huroob) in the private sector companies of the Kingdom.

This comes in line with the efforts from the Ministry to improve the contractual relationship between the workers and employers, to preserve the rights of both the parties and to increase the attractiveness and flexibility of the labor market in the Kingdom.

The controls for employee's Absent From Work were updated to be as follow.

- After the employer submits a request to terminate the contractual relationship due to the worker's absence in work, the data of the expat worker ceases to be linked to the company, and his status will be updated to "Discontinued" in the ministry's systems and the current employer need not to bear any fees of the worker. Read : Penalties on worker for Absent from Work in Saudi Arabia

- The worker has the right within the period of 60 days, to move to another employer or to take final exit and after 60 days have passed without the expat worker taking any one of the above two options, the status of the worker will be updated to "Absent From Work" in the ministry's systems and related regulations.

- The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development explained that the expat workers who have been reported to Absent From Work before the date of this update, employers will be allowed to transfer their services to their companies in case of their status is "Absent From Work" and the late fees on the worker's record will be transferred to the new employer with the stipulation of worker consent to that, when transferring the worker's services to him.

- In case, the transfer of expat worker's service is not completed within 15 days from the date of ministry's approval for transfer, the status of the expat will remain "Absent From Work".

- These measures comes within the ministry's efforts to protect the right of the workers and employers and a continuation of efforts to raise the efficiency and attractiveness of the Saudi labor market, including the Wage Protection System, the initiative to improve the contractual relationship and the wadi program. See Also : 5 conditions for employers to cancel Huroob report of an expat worker

4 new amendments to the regulations of 'Absent From Work' of workers in the Private sector - MHRSD -

4 new amendments to the regulations of 'Absent From Work' of workers in the Private sector - MHRSD -