Friday, November 11, 2022

The Lower your weight, the less pressure on Vital organs in the body

The Lower your weight, the less pressure on Vital organs in the body

The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia advised that, make sure to warm up before exercising or practicing sports activities. Join Saudi Expatriates on Telegram

The Ministry of Health through its main platform for health awareness Twitter handle said that, warming up before exercising is an important factor in protecting against sports or exercising injuries.

- Meanwhile, the consultant of orthopedic surgery and sports injuries, Dr. Hammoud Al-Gashem confirmed that the causes of athletes cruciate ligament injuries, explaining that the most important of them is not warming up well before sports activities. Recommend : Nuts, Meat and Legumes help in a good sleep

- Earlier this, the Professor and scientist in Carcinogen Research, Dr. Fahad Al-khudaiari called for, to the need to lose weight, highlighting that the lighter the weight, the less pressure on vital organs, fatigue and organic damage that occurs due to fat.

- Al-Khudairi through his Tweet said, losing weight also reduces the busyness of the heart, kidneys and pancreas. As it works to serves 70 kilograms is better than it works to serve 100 kilograms and the pressure on the joints is reduced, and their pain ends.

- He further said that, the problems of being overweight are numerous and they get worse with smoking. Read : Reasons for Vitamin D deficiency in the body

The Lower your weight, the less pressure on Vital organs in the body -