Friday, November 25, 2022

A Health specialist warns against excessive Sugar intake, explains method to stop eating it

A Health specialist warns against excessive Sugar intake, explains method for stop eating it

A Professor, Scientist and Carcinogens Researcher, Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi warned against consuming sugar in large quantities due to its health harms, explaining a method that helps to stop eating it. Read : Six foods that can risk your Heart health

Al-Khudairi through his Twitter handle said, "I discovered on some occasions that some people drink sugar and not tea".

- He continued and explained that, "The role of the sugar is to reduce the bitterness of tea, so half a teaspoon is enough to reduce bitterness for a quarter of spoon and do not reduce bitterness with 2 spoons". See Also : The lower your weight, the less pressure on your vital organs in the body

- "Your tongue has 3 papillae called taste papillae. The more sugar you add, the more you get used to it and get addicted to it!". "So you will increase sugar and you do not feel the excess, nor the taste", he added.

- But if you leave sugar for several days, those papillae will return to sense a little bit of it, and you better enjoy tea and drinks without sugar. Recommend : A study links lack of sleep and risk of obesity

A Health specialist warns against excessive Sugar intake, explains method to stop eating it -