Sunday, December 25, 2022

5 practices for the Prevention of Obesity during Winter - Health consultant

5 practices for the Prevention of Obesity during Winter - Health consultant

Abdullah Al-Dhiyebi, an internal medicine consultant and a gastroenterologist at King Abdulaziz Medical City in Saudi Arabia, gave important suggestions to avoid obesity issues during the winter.

Obesity meaning, the state or condition of being very fat or overweight. Read : Sleeping in these timings leads to Obesity

Al-Dhiabi through his official Twitter handle said, prevention of Obesity is possible in the winter through by doing some practices as follows.

* Drink water before and after meal.

* Stay away from fatty meals.

* Make dinner a filling snack.

* Do sports 3 times a week.

* Eat raw and unroasted nuts. Recommend : Nuts, meat and legumes help a good sleep

- Earlier this, the consultant internal medicine, diabetes and endocrinology, Walid Al-Bakr gave tips to reduce the size of the belly and prevention of obesity, most of it is exercising and avoiding smoking and white bread.

- Al-Bakr through his Twitter account said, to reduce the size of the belly, the following must be followed.

* Doing cardio for 30 minutes a day.

* Avoid rice and white bread.

* Avoid sugars and

- Do not eat after 7 PM in the evening and sleep and rest for 7 hours a day.

5 practices for the Prevention of Obesity during Winter - Health consultant -