Friday, December 30, 2022

Iqama Medical Tests in Saudi Arabia, Procedure, Required documents and Fees, for newly arrived Expats

Iqama Medical Tests in Saudi Arabia, Procedure, Required documents and Fees, for newly arrived Expats

For all the newly arrived expatriates, who came for work and to live in Saudi Arabia, it is must for them to have iqama medical tests, in order to get their iqama (resident id). The screening of the newly arrived foreigners go through iqama medical tests in Saudi Arabia as per the law of the Kingdom.

The main aim of the iqama medical tests in Saudi Arabia is to ensure the National Health Security in the Kingdom. The authorities will collect the medical records of expats to protect the Saudi population (citizens and expats) from any disease that newly arrived person may carry with him.

- Once you entered in Saudi Arabia as worker for employer or employee for the company, your employer will ask you to go to the approved medical centers within first week, for medical tests in order to get your iqama. Iqama is a residence permit for the foreigner who can work and live in the Kingdom until its validity. Read : Are medical tests must for iqama in Saudi Arabia?

While you are going to the Efada-certified medical centers near to your area, you must carry the following documents.

* Original Passport.

* 2 Passport size photographs with White background.

* Copies of your Passport and Visa.

* Meningitis Vaccination Certificate, if you are from Sudan. If you do not have this, few of the medical centers will provide this facility to check and issue the certificate.

* Schistosoma test certificate is must for those who came for agriculture jobs. Recommend : Do's for expats in Saudi Arabia

* Fee of the Iqama Medical test, approximately 200 riyals.

People coming from the below list of countries must have a pre-medical clearance certificate from their own countries, with the attestation of the recognized hospital or medical clinic in your area.

1. Bangladesh

2. Egypt

3. Ethiopia

4. India

5. Indonesia

7. Pakistan

8. Philippines

9. Sri Lanka

10. Sudan and

11. All African countries.

What are the Medical tests done for Saudi Iqama?

List of mandatory iqama Medical Tests in Saudi Arabia :

* Urine Test (Protein and Glucose)

* Stool Test (Salmonella, Microscopic)

* X-Ray (Chest)

* Blood Test (Malaria, HIV 1 and 2, Hepatitis)

* Pregnancy Tests for females. Most Viewed : List of items not allowed to bring in Saudi Arabia

* Clinical Tests (Herina, Blood Pressure, Eye Sight, Hearing, Chest and Heartbeat, etc.)

- Once you are done with all the medical tests for iqama, your job at the Medical center is completed. Your medical tests results will be online at the Efada service of the Ministry of Health. If you want physical reports, you can visit the same medical center after 2 to 3 days.

- For the dependents of expat workers, who are above 18 years, they need similar tests in order to get their dependent iqama. However, for children the law is not that much strict, they can examine their weight, height and age.

Iqama Medical Tests in Saudi Arabia, Procedure, Required documents and Fees, for newly arrived Expats -