Monday, January 9, 2023

Providing Braille Qurans for the blind inside the Prophet's Mosque

Providing Braille Qurans for the blind inside the Prophet's Mosque

The Agency for the Affairs of the Prophet's Mosque in Madina has provided 65 Qurans and 39 books in the library of the Madina Al-Munawara in Braille for the blind inside the chapels designated for them. Trending : Hajj registrations for pilgrims from within Saudi Arabia opened for the Year 2023

The Braille (A form of written language for blind people with dots that are felt with fingertips) method was also adopted in all the elevators of the Masjid Al-Nabawi in Madina. See Also : Timings to visit Nobel Rawdah Al-Sharifa (Riyadhul Jannah) in Madina

- Braille Qurans for the blind are distinguished by the ease of reading the Holy Quran and contemplating its verses, and converting fixed Braille letters into moving ones. Which are formed electronically as per the verses of the Holy Quran, Arabic letters and the page.

- This is accordance to the Quran of the King Fahd Complex and its output in a design that helps the blind to access pages, chapters and parts quickly and easily and to provide the full text of the Holy Quran in Arabic letters and the page, said the the Agency for the Affairs of the Prophet's Mosque in its statement.

- The Agency highlighted that this come in line to provide services and means of comfort to the visitors and worshipers of Madina, and to perform their worship with ease and comfort and to provide the best services for the blind. Watch Hajj registrations opened for domestic pilgrims as story

Providing Braille Qurans for the blind inside the Prophet's Mosque -