Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Conditions for allowing Individuals to import things to Saudi Arabia for non-commercial use

Conditions for allowing Individuals to import things to Saudi Arabia for non-commercial use

The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia clarified the condition of allowing an individual to import things into the country for personal purposes and not for commercial purposes. Trending : Saudi Foundation Day 2023

The authority through its official Twitter handle dedicate to responding inquiries said, the import of things for individuals must be in a specific quantity of a personal use and not for a commercial use.

- Saudi ZATCA highlighted that there is need to specify the requirements and quantities of food, drug and cosmetic products by Food and Drug Authority. See Also : Alcohol is prohibited to be sold in duty-free shops in Saudi Arabia

- This came in response to an inquiry received by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority, for a question from one of the user who asked about his desire to buy fish from Bahrain for a personal use and the level of quantity allowed to bring into Saudi Arabia.

Conditions for Individuals for importing Surveillance Cameras :

Earlier this, the ZATCA authority clarified the controls for individuals for importing surveillance cameras, stating that, the import of CCTV cameras by individuals is must be for their personal use and not for a commercial use.

- The Saudi Zakat Tax and Customs Authority clarified the conditions for individuals for importing surveillance cameras also include that they be mentioned on the name of individuals, highlighting that it is prohibited to import spy cameras. Most Viewed : 3 conditions for allowing import of animals into Saudi Arabia

- This came from authority as a response to a question received by authority on its Twitter, in which one of the user asked, "I would like to buy home cameras, is there a ban on importing cameras into Saudi Arabia and how many cameras can be used for personal use?". Subscribe to Saudi Expatriates channel on YouTube

Conditions for allowing Individuals to import things to Saudi Arabia for non-commercial use - Saudi-Expatriates.com