Friday, February 24, 2023

Saudi Interpol arrests an Indian wanted for his crime 17 years ago

Saudi Interpol arrests an Indian wanted for his crime 17 years ago

In collaboration with Saudi Interpol, the Kingdom's security forces have detained a person wanted by India in connection with a crime that occurred around 17 years ago. Like and Follow Saudi Expatriates on Facebook

The accused is of Indian nationality, Muhammad Anifah, is charged of murdering Abdul Karim, the owner of the Vythiri Jungle Park resort, in the year 2006 following a financial dispute, according to the Indian newspaper "Mathrubhumi".

- The authority highlighted that the Indian suspect was arrested after Interpol issued a red notice against him in last November. Most Viewed : Conditions for allowing individuals to import things in Saudi Arabia

- According to the newspaper, security personnel from the Indian police would travel to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to pick up the accused and bring him for trial to the state of Kerala, which was the scene of the event.

- The newspaper report claimed that revenge was the reason behind the crime's commission. Babu Varghese, the managing director of Tour India, paid a mob to attack Abdul Karim in retaliation for the man's arrest following the dead man's lawsuit against him for trespassing at his resort in December 2005.

- The report stated that there were around 11 defendants in the case, the Indian Court of First Instance made decisions regarding 7 of them and later released two others. See Also : Hajj quota for Indian increased for the Year 2023

Saudi Interpol arrests an Indian wanted for his crime 17 years ago -