Thursday, March 30, 2023

Bananas are good for Heart health and Blood Pressure - Food Specialist

Bananas are good for Heart health and Blood Pressure - Food Specialist

Bananas help to preserve blood vessel integrity, blood pressure, and heart health in addition to helping to prevent colon cancer, according to food safety and quality specialist Fahd Al-Saeed. Recommend : Pomegranate juice is the best drink for the body

Al-Saeed through his Twitter handle said that, "Eating a medium-sized banana provides 9% of the daily requirement for potassium, according to the American Heart Association (AHA), and it has also been associated to a lower risk of heart disease. Potassium helps to keep the heart and blood pressure healthy". See Also : Most important natural resources of Vitamin C

- He explained that bananas include two types of dietary fiber, pectin, which declines as the banana ripens, and resistant fiber, which is present in unripe bananas. Dietary fiber plays a role in enhancing digestive functions, added the food specialist.

- Pectin may aid in the prevention of colon cancer, according to several laboratory research. He continued, bananas are regarded as one of the foods with a high health return and are crucial for people of all ages and health levels due to their high fiber and antioxidant content.

- The food safety specialist explained that one medium-sized banana contains the daily requirement as follows: potassium (9%), vitamin (B6) by (33%), vitamin (C) by (11%), magnesium (8%) and copper (10%). ) and manganese (14%), fiber (3.1g), and carbohydrates (24g). Most Viewed : Avocados are very beneficial for Men

Bananas are good for Heart health and Blood Pressure - Food Specialist -